When you first begin your yoga journey, you may feel overwhelmed by it all, but the right training and a few simple asanas will help you gain the confidence and strength you want in no time. Whether you’re exploring yoga for relaxation, flexibility, or overall health, the aim is always to get a good foundation by starting with the basic poses. These poses are easy to learn, and help to create a solid base for a more advanced yogic practice. These days, online yoga classes are quite common so you can do them while at home. Let’s explore the best five yoga poses that beginners can do.

  1.    Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (cat – cow pose)

Why it works: Improving flexibility in your spinal cord, massaging the internal organs, and relaxing your body.

How to do it:  Get down on all fours and bend as well as arch your spine up and down – do it slowly as you feel the muscles of your back stretch.

  1. Balasana (child pose)

 Why it works: Relieves tension in the back, shoulders, and neck, while promoting relaxation.

How to do it: Sit on your heels and bend down while extending your arms forward until your forehead touches the ground. Stay in this position and take deep breaths for a few minutes.

  1. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Why it works: The parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated by this asana, which ultimately relaxes you both physically and mentally. It effectively reduces stress levels and anxiety and fosters better focus and mental clarity.

 How to do it: Relax onto your back. Place your legs hip distance apart from each other. Ensure you place your palms next to your body and face your palms upside. Close your eyes and breathe. Do this exercise for ten to fifteen minutes.

  1. Sukhasana (Easy Pose) with Deep Breathing

Why It Works: It Works: Imagine it as “Netflix and Chill” for yoga. Even though you are only sitting there with your legs crossed, do not underestimate its impact. Sit in this posture and breathe for better focus.

 How to do it: Be seated and then crisscross your legs. Then, close your eyes and lower your hands onto the knees in chin mudra. Inhale and exhale for ten to fifteen minutes.

  1. Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose)

Why it works: This pose brings ease to the body and reduces stress. It also gives energy to the body muscles and helps to make muscles stronger and joints more flexible. It also increases blood flow to the brain.

How to do it: Take a seat facing a wall on the floor. Lay on your side with your head and shoulders lowered to the floor. After that, turn over onto your back and raise your legs up the wall such that your feet are hip-width apart and breathe.

Why Choose Online Yoga Classes?

Online yoga classes are known for their convenience. You can take your time, pick different teachers, and replay the lessons to improve yourself. If you are just at the beginning level or mastering the difficult ones, there are plentiful resources online to help you improve your practice.

Besides, by the help of the online classes, you can be able to:

  • Bring the yoga studio into your home.
  • Have access to recordings for your benefit.
  • Get qualified instructors from every corner of the world.

Advice for Beginners

To properly get the most out of your yoga journey as a beginner:

  • Start slowly and concentrate on learning the fundamentals.
  • If necessary, use props like a strap or a block.
  • Pay attention to your body and refrain from pushing yourself past your limit.
  • It’s a great idea to take online yoga lessons since they provide the support and encouragement that you need.
  • If you want to gradually increase your strength and flexibility, be sure to be consistent every day.

Wrapping It Up

Discovering the path of yoga does not require expensive equipments nor significant prior knowledge. If you combine these five yoga asanas for beginners and Online Yoga Classes guidance, you will be able to establish a consistent yoga routine that will help both your mind and body. Remember, yoga is about self-development; it is not important to be perfect. Embrace the ease of the journey of health and well-being while you incorporate one asana at a time.